Partner Profiling

A tailor-made search effort on your behalf, where the perfect partner for your business is identified, approached, vetted and incorporated into your organization’s structure. We put feet in the street to search where others can’t, we listen to local stakeholders’ personal accounts, we compare and contrast before we present the short-listed candidates to you. Typically, the type of partners that our clients require to grow their business in a new market include:

  • Agents

  • Importers

  • Distributors

  • Resellers

  • Franchisees

  • Investors

We find the candidates that best suit your business by learning your needs and contrasting them with the realities on the ground - in other words, the “market needs”. This way we determine a “wish-list” before our search begins. Core qualities which our clients often require include:

  • Specific/technical competence

  • Strong business network

  • Complementary product portfolio

  • Communication skills

  • CSR/Sustainability mindset


Market Mapping


Rapid Revenue